Bootstrap Productions is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit publishing company that promotes the integration of multi-dimensional art forms and experiments into fine press publishing.
Does translating a text provide a mirror image of the original – even if that image is reversed or otherwise distorted – or does it mask the original behind the unfamiliar lexical and syntactical trappings of an alien language? Like any metaphor for translation, the mirror and the mask are both inadequate to capture the nuances of the process, yet both also point toward provocative discussions of the role of translation and its effects on a text. Do different layers of language and culture inform a translation and become reflected in it, or are they obscured? While as translators we aspire to overcoming mutual incomprehension, the study of translation is also inevitably a study of what is missing, of what has not been communicated, or of what has been communicated instead... read more.
Put on your spring finery
and come celebrate
with the best small presses in NYC!
Annual Books Party
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Jack Shainman Gallery
513 W. 20th, NYC
For further information contact: seguefoundation@verizon.net
Belladonna • BootStrap • The Figures • Granary • Roof
Talisman • Ugly Duckling • United Artists • Portable Press at Yo-yo Labs
Area by Marcella Durand
mauve sea-orchids by Lila Zemborain
Open Box by Carla Harryman
The Elders Series
The Figures
Space by Clark Coolidge
No. 111 by Kenneth Goldsmith
Ted by Ron Padgett
Mon Canard by Stephen Rodefer
Rancho Weirdo by Laura Chester
I No Longer Believe in the Sun:
Love Letters to Katie Couric by Derek Fenner
Parish Krewes by Micah Ballard
Riot Act by Geoffrey Young
Faster Than Birds Can Fly by John Ashbery & Trevor Winkfield.
Nine Nights Meditation by Anne Waldman & Donna Dennis
Oaths? Questions? by Marjorie Welish & James Siena
The Square by Emily McVarish
Styrofoam by Evelyn Reilly
Rob the Plagiarist by Rob Fitterman
Public Domain by Monica de la Torre
Quadragene by Larry Price
Eschaton by Michael Heller
Bending the Mind Around the Dream’s Blown Fuse by Timothy Liu,
Hearth by Simon Pettet
Petals of Zero Petals of One by Andrew Zawacki
Ugly Duckling
Classification of a Spit Stain by Ellie Ga
Notes on Conceptualisms by Vanessa Place and Rob Fitterman
The Russian Version by Elena Fanailova
(translated by Genya Turovskaya and Stephanie Sandler)
A Plate of Chicken by Matthew Rohrer
Portable Press at Yo-yo Labs
Shaved Code by Frances Richard
Materialisms by Miranda Mellis
Generic Whistle-Stop by Thomas Fink
The Book Called Spring by David Brazil
United Artists
Absolutely Eden by Bobbie Louise Hawkins
My Autobiography by Barbara Henning
The Influence of Paintings Hung in Bedrooms by Phyllis Wat
Join the Planets by Reed Bye
For further information contact: seguefoundation@verizon.net
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