Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Geoffrey Young’s THE RIOT ACT: book release and reading
3:00 p.m.
sponsored in part through the
BOOTSTRAP PRESS is proud to announce the publication of THE RIOT ACT, a new book of poetry and prose by Geoffrey Young. Handsomely designed, and with a cover painting by Eric Fischl, THE RIOT ACT is divided into three sections. Lyric wit, sober narrative, impatient critique and generous insight flow through the course of this book’s 106 pages like a broken-field runner on a lop-sided playing field. Perfect bound, in an edition of 1000 copies, each copy is exactly the same as its neighbor in the box.
His own recent books of poetry include Admiral Fever (with drawings by Philip Knoll), Pockets of Wheat (drawings by James Siena), Cerulean Embankments (drawings by Carroll Dunham), Lights Out (drawings by James Siena), and Fickle Sonnets (drawings by Donald Baechler).
Over the last thirteen years he has curated 40 shows for his contemporary art gallery, as well as written catalog essays for a dozen artists.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
11/17 - Buck Downs & Eileen Myles

Saturday, October 20, 2007
10/27 - John Wieners A BOOK OF PROPHECIES celebration
reading starts at 6:00. come early for a drink at the bar if you want. readings occasionally start on time.
This is a Union Square Poetry Series celebration of A BOOK OF PROPHECIES, a notebook by John Wieners written in 1971. Michael Carr, editor of the manuscript, will kick off celebration with some introductory remarks. Local poet-regulars of the reading series will read the poems in the book straight through.
There will be extra copies of the book if you forget to bring your own.
Monday, October 8, 2007
10/13 - Amanda Cook & Jim Dunn

Amanda Cook

Jim Dunn
battling for bragging rights of the North Shore. There will be the drinking of liquor and loquaciousness (which is also the art of poetry--the attempt to seduce others and then overthrow the multi-national imperialist structures of globalism.)
Word on the street is that there is a party after.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
9/29 Tom Morgan & Ed Barrett
reading starts at 6:00. come early for a drink at the bar if you want. readings occasionally start on time.
This is Ed Barrett the fisherman, not Ed Barrett the poet.
Ed Barrett the poet is the author of Kevin White.
I don't know if he, Ed Barrett the poet, is a fisherman.
Ed Barrett the poet is really fantastic. This is what
Ron says about Kevin. There is also a picture of Ed
Barrett the poet here who is standing next to Bill.
ON/GOING : a collection of poems, sketches, and writings from a notebook between 2002-2005. During this time, Tom Morgan traveled extensively across the United States, back and forth across the U.S. / Mexican border, and abroad to Thailand and India. These writings embrace a tradition of sketch-writing in daily practice, riff of Buddhist koans, race across the universe with Beat babble flow embracing everything. Tom Morgan's poems move under the moon-which Kerouac has noticed is "a piece of tea -- (Under the empty blue sky, vertebrate zoology.)"-with the grace and rhythm of panacea separating. They carve into the sluice of eternity and bump through America's landscape, shuffle abroad, over mountains, rivers, and geological shifts; they whip through highways under strata; flora dots the page like punctuation, like litter, like human life under immensity, like the quick wit and smile of a girl you should marry-all things the mind could muddle or notice with clarity and care.